Exciting news! The Atlanta Doula Collective is proud to announce our birth of the Georgia Black Doula Network. New website coming soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
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I'm interested in hiring a Doula...
How do I hire one of the doulas on your directory?
To retain the services of a Doula from our directory, begin by visiting our Georgia Black Doula Network (GBDN) page. This page features a diverse selection of doulas for you to explore. We encourage you to read their bios, visit their personal websites, and check out their social media profiles. Once you find a doula who resonates with you, use the provided contact information to reach out and schedule a consultation
I have some questions about your services.
The ADC provides a directory of doulas but does not offer doula services directly. For further inquiries about services, we recommend contacting the doula(s) you plan to consult with.
Do you assign doulas to those who are interested in reduced rate services?
No, we do not assign doulas. We believe in empowering individuals to actively choose their birth team. We recommend consulting with 2-3 doulas from our directory to ensure you select the best fit for you and your family, while also confirming their availability for your estimated due date
I am a Birthworker...
I'm interested in mentorship opportunities and would like to know if you offer shadowing/mentorship opportunities?
At this time the Atlanta Doula Collective only provides mentorship to current GBDN Cohort members.
Do you offer a doula training course?
Yes, we currently offer continuing education doula trainings such as the Innerstanding Birthwork: Intermediate Doula Training and the Advanced Doula Skills Training. We also offer a beginners doula training through the GBDN Cohort.
I am interested in membership. How do I become a member?
The Atlanta Doula Collective is adopting a new membership model for 2026 and is not accepting new members at this time.
Other General Questions...
How can I become part of your community?
There are many ways to join the ADC community! One of the most impactful ways to support our work is by making a donation to our collective movement. Your contributions help us provide free community programs and fund scholarships to grow the doula workforce.
You can also participate in our community events, available both virtually and in person. Event details are shared on our Events page and social media, but the best way to stay informed about our programming is by subscribing to our newsletter.
Do you offer childbirth education?
Yes, we do have a virtual childbirth education series. Pregnancy Information Circle & Lunch, or PIC'L, is a free virtual course that is reserved for pregnant or newly postpartum families.
If you are a birthworker, we encourage you to share this information with your client.
For more information, or to register, check out our Events page.
What community programs do you offer?
Our community programs are free and open to the public. They are listed on our Events page.