Exciting news! The Atlanta Doula Collective is proud to announce our birth of the Georgia Black Doula Network. New website coming soon!

Meet Ky
Board Treasurer
Ky has been a strong advocate for young children and families for more than 15 years. Prior to joining the HMHBGA team, Ky proudly served in leadership roles in the fields of early childhood development, K-12 education, community development and public policy. Her commitment to creating equitable access to vital resources for children and families has been present throughout her career spanning from her time supporting Congressman Sander Levin to elevating to leaderships roles for Lighthouse Academy, Read to a Child, 313Reads – Detroit’s Campaign for Grade Level Reading and LENA Research Foundation. As a person who has experienced generational poverty, inequities in healthcare and ACE's, Ky's "why" is grounded in her life's journey. With the support of her 3 sons, husband and vast HMHBGA "village" she is committed to reducing maternal and infant health disparities because she believes the prioritization of the health of moms and babies is simply the right thing to do.